About Sitter City

Sittercity, online at, is the online destination for anyone looking for a babysitter or a nanny. Sittercity offers parents the opportunity to sign up for a membership, or a seven-day free trial, and then search for babysitters and nannies in your neighborhood. Sittercity also has sitter reviews, does sitter background checks, and helps facilitate in-person interviews. There are also online reference questions that parents can use at Sittercity when checking a babysitter or nanny's references. has the best Sittercity coupon codes, Sittercity discounts, Sittercity coupons, and Sittercity promo codes.

Shipping & Return Policy

Shipping and handling rates do not apply at Sittercity. Check website for details.

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If you're looking for a babysitter, sign up to find the perfect sitter today at Click link to search now.


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